First, you can be involved through praying for the work of the Navigators locally in your area, in South Africa, and globally.
You can also join in one of the discipleship and ministry groups by contacting us.
Giving to the Navigators is another way you can be involved. The Navigators ministry is an S 21 company – non profit organisation. It is funded through gifts from people, churches and groups who would like to partner with the Navigators in accomplishing their God-given mission and goals.
How the Navigators Staff are supported
1 Corinthians 9:14
In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.
Following the principles taught in 1 Corinthians 9 and other passages of Scripture, full-time staff of the Navigators are supported through free will donations of individuals, groups or churches who wish to share financially in the ministry of The Navigators.
Giving to Individual Staff
The greatest need is for those who can give to full-time staff on a regular basis, though one-time gifts also make a vital contribution to the support of the work.
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